M06 Cloud APIs

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Version: c0e340c

Multi Tenancy API

Tenants Auth Users Routes

Create your own database per tenant. Create and manage any custom entity.

Custom Entities, GraphQL Supported

Entities Tables Columns Graphql

Query exactly what data you need.

Headless CMS API

Pages Templates Translations

Headless content management system. Manage pages and templates.

Ecommerce API

Products Services Orders

Manage, products, services, payments and orders.

Social Media Automation

Facebook Linkedin Twitter Whatsapp

Automated social media posting, following etc.

Web Scraping, Data Collection

Scrape Datawarehouse Extractor Googlemaps

Automated web scraping and data collection at scale.

Language API


Powered by AI.

Vision API


Powered by AI.

Automation API


Powered by AI.

Helper API


Miscellaneous helper endpoints.